

Where does ADTDK stand for?


It stands for A.D. the Donkey Kingdom.


For the love of people and extermination of mankind


In my early twenty’s I wrote a book about Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco.


The book shows a critical view on how we as a society deal with these substances.


Our reaction is mainly driven by ignorance and fear and they’re to criminalize these substances.


The biggest examples are the prohibition from the 1920’s and more recent the war on drugs.


(Cost so far between 2 and 12 trillion $)


During my research I found an essay from a cardinal (some where in the 16 th century) who spent several months with a South American native tribe.


He described their state of mind while smoking during a ritual.


Because of this article in the Ottoman Empire when you were caught smoking, you could end up in prison or be headed.


In the 1980’s a Newsweek journalist went undercover in a crack house and wrote an article about how they lived and there state of mind while smoking crack cocaine.


The amazing thing about this two articles’ is that they are 300 years apart and they both described more or less the same!


The book has never been published. No commercial value.

In the 1980’s scientist discovered a hole in the ozone layer probably caused by propellant from spray Cannes and refrigerators it meanly concerns CFC’s.

The public debate that arose over these CFC’s to get them banned.

During these debates I tried several times to worn people for the great danger of Co 2 emissions.

Not did not only worn them, but I immediately proposed a solution!

The overall reaction from politicians and scientist where; that I found a brilliant solution for a problem that didn’t exist!

It Exists Now!!!


Here is the solution.

It will take 400 billion and 15 years to build.

When it’s finished it will deliver 7 to 10 times the daily need off energy of the world.

At that point we can start reverse climate change.

Starts reduce Co 2 emissions by 80% to 90%.

It can’t explode or otherwise harm any living thing.

For commercial value terms and conditions will apply.


Automation will take over more and more of our work/jobs

This means that more and more people won’t be able to find work (jobs).

We need to find other ways of participation in society for people.

People who aren’t working in the classic sense of work but still exist (belong) and make money.

Now more than ever!!!


In the future we wont own or drive our own cars but will be driven.


We are governed and have politicians without any vision.

Between them they can’t come up with one original idea.

All they fall back on; the spread of fear and violence.

Donkeys they are!!!

A.D. the Donkey Kingdom


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